Saturday, June 14, 2008


I like him.
I want him to like me.
But to be honest I think hes too good for me..

I sent him a myspace message saying:
umm i dont really know you so i dont know how you're gonna react to this but i just thought id be up front.

i caught a glimpse of you this morning and i thought you were really cute.

then at the train station when i saw you again, you made me smile..
so i went up to alan on the train and asked him if you had a girlfriend and stuff like that.
but yeah. it would mean a lot to me if we could be friends.

im not usually this up front so im probably just embarrassing myself.
anyways i gotta go coz im meant to be babysitting at 8 =[
ive got myspace on my phone though.

then he replied saying:

lols u serious :P
yea i am single hunn...
where ya from ?

Please can he just like me now?
But im scared coz when I went into sent items, it said that the last message I sent him he read but he never replied!!
Does he hate me?
Im scared.
I so deserve this though.. I mean after everything ive suffered through when nick broke my heart.
OMG what do I do??

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