Tuesday, June 17, 2008


oh my gosh im in love.
just gimme time though.
we be friends.
im not gonna lose this boy.
he turned my day around. right when i was on the edge he reached out his hand to me and saved me just in time.

and dude. he is sooooooooo freaking hot. omg omg omg. HOT. like THE hottest!!
anyways like i said.
we be friends.
maybe best friends.

problem is, hes back in frankston :[
probs no dating for a while then hey..
ahh well.
dont burst my bubble.

Monday, June 16, 2008

my back/neck

I went to the chiropractors today..
Turns out due to severe stress and trauma my neck is totally fucked in some way so i had to go get xrays.
the extremity of it was almost off the charts..

it was funny when i was watching dad get his back done though.
the man kept pushing and flicking dads butt.
i got the giggles.
it was amusing.

far out man. 2 exams 2moz and i havent even started studying.. fuck that.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

oh wow


oh yeah and..

im getting horse riding lessons :D

*hi 5*


the lebanese (lebos) are overrated..

i was warned about their cockiness and the way they think they rule the town.
theyre pussies if you ask me..
i wanna go back to frankston where it was a case of emos vs. metros.
its far better than lebos vs. wogs vs. turks vs. aussies
far out.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


I like him.
I want him to like me.
But to be honest I think hes too good for me..

I sent him a myspace message saying:
umm i dont really know you so i dont know how you're gonna react to this but i just thought id be up front.

i caught a glimpse of you this morning and i thought you were really cute.

then at the train station when i saw you again, you made me smile..
so i went up to alan on the train and asked him if you had a girlfriend and stuff like that.
but yeah. it would mean a lot to me if we could be friends.

im not usually this up front so im probably just embarrassing myself.
anyways i gotta go coz im meant to be babysitting at 8 =[
ive got myspace on my phone though.

then he replied saying:

lols u serious :P
yea i am single hunn...
where ya from ?

Please can he just like me now?
But im scared coz when I went into sent items, it said that the last message I sent him he read but he never replied!!
Does he hate me?
Im scared.
I so deserve this though.. I mean after everything ive suffered through when nick broke my heart.
OMG what do I do??

Friday, June 13, 2008

Amazing day :D

I had the GAT today..
I knew it was gonna be a bad day. But it really wasnt.
We were all standing around waiting to go into the exam room, and another school had come to do it with us. I noticed this really hot guy but soon lost sight of him.

The GAT sucked coz my hands were so numb from the cold but three hours later I got out and found Deniz and Koray. Deniz decided to grab my water bottle and squirt water all over me so I got him back :)
till he ditched me and started having a water fight with another chick..

but anyways after lunch I went to go catch the train.
I got so frustrated coz right before I went to cross the train tracks, the gates shut and my train went past right in front of me. I dreaded the 20min wait for the next train coz it was so freezing.
As I was waiting there they said the train was delayed another 6mins.. I was shattered.

But thats when my luck changed.

This guy from the same school as the hot guy came onto my platform. He was alright looking. We kept catching eyes. Then out of no where the hot guy came and started talking to that guy. I was trying to hide my smile.
Soon after he jumped onto the tracks and climbed up on the other platform.
I wanted to ask the first guy if the hot guy had a girlfriend but I knew the hot guy wouldnt be leaving coz our train came before his so I waited till we got on our train.
I walked up to the first guy and started talking to him.
Long story short I got the hot guy's myspace address.

Even if he doesnt end up liking me (omg i hope he does like me) at least I had this little bit of fun.
It made my day.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Love's on my mind..

Love is overrated.
Yet its all i want.
Its all i ever think about.

We were in love once but now its gone.
Im too afraid to let go.
When i fall, i fall hard and i never stop loving them, ever.
Its not often that guys like me and im scared ill never find the one.
Yeah im too young to be worrying.
But i am.
I am worried.
I want a guy who will make me feel loved.
I want a guy who will be my best friend and always make me happy.
Someone to cuddle me for no reason. I love cuddles.
I want them to snuggle up under a blanket with me and watch movies all day.
But most of all i want a guy that will make me feel beautiful and give me confidence.

Maybe one day ill find another, but for now i cant let go of the past.

First blog ever *gasp*

Uhh yeah.
Tis my first blog on this site.
Thanks to John :]
Im just so sick of being bored so maybe this will help.

Ive got the GAT exam tomorrow ugh.. its a three hour exam. I made the mistake of checking out past GAT questions *moans* someone shoot me now?
its gonna drain my life so bad.
Its funny the extent people must have gone to in the past to cheat in exams... No labels on your water bottles, watches must be placed in front of you on the table and you have to be escorted to go to the toilet yeesh.
Craziness =S
But im feeling really sick so hopefully ill be ok by tomorrow.

Im starting guitar lessons at school soon too YAY. ive really missed playing guitar so its freaking awesome that i get to leave class to go play (Y)

But life is really complicated at the moment.
My brother thats back in frankston was in a motorbike accident and he sliced his leg open :(
he got 8 stitches. man hes like nearly 9years old too.
Im missing the frankston days.
Here im still trying to find some true friends. Theyre all nice and stuff but everybody is out for themselves. I like people that smother me in love and always have my back you know?
Im getting there.