Tuesday, May 12, 2009


and i hate those half assed apologies the voice over gives
yeah you sure dont care if im late
"fuck you.. fuck you very very muuuuuch.. coz we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew so please dont stay in touchhhh"

they dont even have a "contact us" part so i can abuse them.
im currently at home because they delayed my train by so much that i was going to be late and my teacher doesnt let us in if we're late..fuck it
but i got a SAC this afternoon.
if connex make me late theyre fucking gone bitch :@

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I sympathise for you. Although I do not catch the train to school and rarely catch it - it just must be unbelievably frustrating to catch a Connex train to school or work, I'd wonder if I would even get there before school even fucking finished.

"Connex apologises for any inconvenience caused?" Bullshit Connex are fucking sorry.

Fuck Connex - we need a better transport system.

Good blog! =)